Our Story

Our Story


We are Steve and Cindy Lindquist.  Currently, we live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.  I say currently because we have decided to retire at the end of 2019 and explore the world.  We have been talking and planning this phase of our life for years and the time has come. 

So, we sold our 4 bedroom house Brookfield, a Milwaukee suburb, and moved to a high-rise apartment in downtown Milwaukee.  This forced us to get rid of 20 years of things we no longer needed and wouldn’t fit in a space that is half of what we had before.  Lots of trips to the local Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

We have been following blogs, watching travel videos, scouring the internet and reading International Living and Conde Nast to help us figure out where in the world we wanted to go.

After years of putting places on the whiteboard, wiping some off and adding new, we finally have narrowed the list for our first explore.  We will leave shortly after Christmas and return mid-June.  After downsizing to an apartment, living out of a 25” suitcase should be a breeze.

Our planning has been and continues to be a time commitment.  Once we decide where to go, we had to decide how long to stay at each place, how to get there, what to do, where to stay and most importantly, how much will it cost.

Do we want to stay in apartments, Airbnb, hostels, camping (just once, in a Jordanian Bedouin camp) or sleep on park benches (hope not).

How are we going to explore?  Lots of days will be on our own.  Walk, hop a bus, subway, Tuk Tuk, rickshaw to some destination and walk back, hopefully getting a bit lost on the way.

We will be taking a 10 day cruise on Norwegian Cruise from Sydney to Auckland, New Zealand with stops on the South and North islands on the way.  We also have a 27 day Gate1 Tour in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Tours like this are much easier in countries when it may be difficult to find people that speak English.  Our last organized event is a cruise on the Nile from Luxor to Aswan.  This is on the Nour El Nil with only 10 cabins on a sail powered boat.