What the hell is Zorbing?

What the hell is Zorbing?

The Rotorua area also has a fun activity called Zorbing. What is a Zorb? Glad you asked. Picture a 10-foot plastic ball with a 6-foot plastic ball anchored inside. Next, put people in the inner ball, add water and push them down a hill.

We donned on our swim suits and rode up to the top of the
hill in what looked like the Scooby mobile. The two of us along with 6 kids,
all under the age of 12.

Step 1 was to get inside….


Step 2 was to close up the ball and let her rip….

Now that was fun!

5 Replies to “What the hell is Zorbing?”

  1. Looks like you had fun with this. Give yourselves another 10 years and you won’t even think about doing something like that. I get tired thinking about all you guys are doing, but am so happy you are young enough to enjoy it all.

  2. That looks like a lot of fun even if the water is cold!
    Remember: “Good things come to those that HUSTLE”